
Bash (Fork(),Wait(),WAITEXIT(), Script coding, Operating System

Primary LanguageC++Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Bash , Script coding, Operating System

Bash Coding Repository

Welcome to the Bash Coding repository! This repository contains various scripts and code related to bash scripting. Below, you will find a brief description of each folder and its contents:

ChatBox For Three Users Using Named Pipes

This folder contains a chatbox implementation that allows three users to communicate using named pipes. It enables real-time messaging between users via the command line. Refer to the README.md file in this folder for more details and instructions on how to run the chatbox.

Exercise 1

In this folder, you will find Exercise 1.pdf, which provides a set of exercises aimed at improving your bash scripting skills. The exercises cover a range of topics and provide hands-on practice opportunities. Take a look at the Exercise 1.pdf file to get started with the exercises.

Fork() and Execl()

The Fork() and Execl() folder contains code examples demonstrating the usage of the fork() and execl() system calls in bash scripting. These examples illustrate how to create child processes and replace them with a different program. Review the README.md file in this folder for more information and code instructions.


This folder includes code related to a multiplayer game implementation using threads. It showcases how to utilize threads to handle multiple players concurrently. Please refer to the README.md file in this folder for more information and instructions on running the multiplayer game.

Named Pipes

In the Named Pipes folder, you will find Task2.cpp, which provides an implementation example using named pipes. The code demonstrates interprocess communication between two programs using pipes. Consult the README.md file for further details and instructions on running the code.


This folder contains scripts and examples related to pipes in bash scripting. It covers the basics of pipe usage for interprocess communication. Explore the contents of this folder for more information and code examples.


The Threads folder includes code examples showcasing the usage of threads in bash scripting. It demonstrates how to create and manage threads for concurrent execution. Take a look at the README.md file in this folder for more details and instructions on running the code.

Feel free to explore the folders and their contents. Each folder has a separate README.md file that provides detailed explanations, instructions, and code documentation. Enjoy learning and experimenting with bash scripting in this repository!

If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out. Happy coding!