
multiOTP Credential Provider is a V2 Credential Provider for Windows 7/8/8.1/10/2012(R2)/2016 with options like RDP only and UPN name support

Primary LanguagePHP


multiOTP Credential Provider for multiOTP is a free and open source implementation of a V2 Credential Provider for the multiOTP strong two-factor authentication solution (Apache License, Version 2.0)

(c) 2016-2018 SysCo systemes de communication sa (enhancements since 2016 and simple installer with configuration options) (c) 2015-2016 ArcadeJust ("RDP only" enhancement)
(c) 2013-2015 Last Squirrel IT

Current build: (2018-03-05)

Binary download: https://download.multiotp.net/credential-provider/

Please note that the multiOTPCredentialProvider-files-only-A.B.C.D.zip zipped file contains only the DLL in both x64 and i386 format, and a special all-in-one-file multiotp.exe executable created using Enigma Virtual Box (https://enigmaprotector.com/en/downloads.html).

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Visit http://forum.multiotp.net/ for additional support.

multiOTP Credential Provider for multiOTP supporting Windows 7/8/8.1/10/2012(R2)/2016.

  • supports both local and domain users
  • forced OTP check for RDP
  • forced or disabled check of OTP for local logons
  • client executable of multiOTP is automatically installed and configured
  • multiOTP Credential Provider is only activated if the authentication test is passed successfully
  • DLL and EXE files are digitally signed
  • the first strong two factor authentication solution that have cache support in order to work also offline!

multiOTPCredentialProvider setup1

multiOTPCredentialProvider setup2

multiOTPCredentialProvider test

multiOTPCredentialProvider login


  • installed multiOTP server(s)
  • configured multiOTP user (multiOTP username = [domain user name] or [windows local account name] or [microsoft account name])


  • Launch the installer (in the installer directory) and configure the various parameters during the detup. You must have administrator access.


  • Uninstall the multiOTP Credential Provider using the regular uninstallation procedure, or launch the file multiOTPCredentialProvider-unregister.reg (you must have administrator access).


  • the credential provider DLL (multiOTPCredentialProvider.dll) is installed in the system folder \Windows\System32
  • the credential provider options are stored in the following registry key (registry entries have priority over multiotp.ini file entries): HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{FCEFDFAB-B0A1-4C4D-8B2B-4FF4E0A3D978}
    • multiOTPCacheEnabled : [1|0], used directly by multiOTP
    • multiOTPDisplaySmsLink : [0|1]
    • multiOTPLoginTitle : [Login title, default is '', which displays multiOTP Login]
    • multiOTPOptions : [additional configuration options used directly by multiOTP, tab separated, default is '']
    • multiOTPPath : [X:\Path\to\multiotp\folder]
    • multiOTPPrefixPass : [0|1]
    • multiOTPRDPOnly : [0|1]
    • multiOTPServers : [multiOTP server(s) to contact, default is ''], used directly by multiOTP
    • multiOTPServerTimeout : [timeout in seconds before switching to the next server, default is 5], used directly by multiOTP
    • multiOTPSharedSecret : [secret to connect this client to the server, default is 'ClientServerSecret'], used directly by multiOTP
    • multiOTPTimeout : [timeout in seconds, default is 10]
    • multiOTPUPNFormat : [0|1]
  • if the tile file [multiOTPPath]\multiotp.bmp exists, it will replace the default 128x128 tile image


  • ArcadeJust ("RDP only" enhancement)
  • LastSquirrelIT (initial implementation)

Report if you have any problems or questions regarding this app.


2018-03-05 SysCo/al FIX: Enigma Virtual Box updated to version 8.10 (to create the special all-in-one-file)
2018-02-27 SysCo/al FIX: [Receive an OTP by SMS] link is now fixed for Windows 10
2018-02-26 SysCo/al ENH: Credential Provider registry entries are now always used when calling multiOTP.exe
2018-02-21 SysCo/al FIX: To avoid virus false positive alert, multiOTP.exe is NO more packaged in one single file
                                 using Enigma, a php folder is now included in the multiOTP folder
                            FIX: multiOTPOptions registry entry is now useless is ignored
2018-02-21 SysCo/al ENH: Credential Provider registry entries are used if available
2018-02-19 SysCo/al ENH: Setup wizard has one more page for better layout
                            ENH: Options stored in the multiOTPOptions registry are read and have more priorities than config file
                            ENH: Login title can be customized using the multiOTPLoginTitle registry
                            ENH: Tile image can be customized by saving a 128x128 bmp in the file [multiOTPPath]\multiotp.bmp
                            ENH: The default installation folder is now [ProgramFiles]\multiOTP
2017-12-11 SysCo/al ENH: [Receive an OTP by SMS] link can be displayed or not (option during installation)
                            ENH: UPN username format can be sent to the multiOTP server (by default, legacy username)
                            ENH: Better documentation
2017-12-04 SysCo/al ENH: Default domain name support
                            ENH: User can request an SMS code using a command link
                            FIX: [Synchronize OTP] link removed (useless, synchronization is done automatically by typing OTP1 + [space] + OTP2)
2017-11-10 SysCo/al ENH: Specific Credential Provider mode in the CLI version
2017-11-05 SysCo/al ENH: Full support for login@domain.name UPN notation (AD/LDAP should be synchronized using the userPrincipalName instead of sAMAccountName identifier)
2017-11-04 SysCo/al FIX: Removed digit OTP only check for the OTP field
                            ENH: Friendly name of the second factor field renamed from PIN to OTP
2017-06-02 SysCo/al FIX: Fixed default folder detection for the multiotp.exe file
2016-11-04 SysCo/al ENG: First public release with an installer, based on hard work done by Last Squirrel IT and ArcadeJust