
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tauri + Vanilla

This template should help get you started developing with Tauri in vanilla HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Recommended IDE Setup

Latest version

  • V1.2.0 Two new tools,
    • Protein secondary structure prediction tool.
    • 3D protein structure viewer from a PDB file. Checkout this amazing Protien viewer package that helped us adding this tool.

Older versions

  • V1.1.0
    • A collection of different simple tools required in BioInformatics analysis icluding source code provided in rust and python.

How to Contribute?

  • We are using Tauri for this project. Here are some prerequisites that you might need to work with a tauri project:

  • Fork this repository.

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  • Clone your fork.

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git clone https://github.com/Your_usrename/BI_Project.git
  • Then run.
cd BI_Project
  • Then install node modules.
npm install
  • Get perview with live reloading.
npm run tauri dev
  • Make your changes and them.

  • Push changes with a clear commit message.

  • Make a pull request.

  • Moderators will review your changes and pull them to the main branch.