Linux Capable 32-bit RISC-V based SoC

Primary LanguageVerilogApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


pcore-riscof Documentation status

UETRV_Pcore is a RISC-V based application class SoC integrating a 5-stage pipelined processor with memory and peripherals. Currently, the core implements RV32IMAZicsr ISA based on User-level ISA Version 2.0 and Privileged Architecture Version 1.11 supporting M/S/U modes. Following are the key features of the SoC:

Key Features

  • 32-bit RISC-V ISA core that supports base integer (I) and multiplication and division (M), atomic (A) and Zicsr (Z) extensions (RV32IMAZicsr).
  • Supports user, supervisor and machine mode privilege levels.
  • Support for instruction / data (writeback) caches.
  • Sv32 based MMU support and is capable of running Linux.
  • Cache size, TLB entries etc., are configurable.
  • Intergated PLIC, CLINT, uart, spi peripherals.
  • Uses RISCOF framework to run architecture compatibility tests.

System Design Overview

The UETRV_Pcore is an application class processor capable of running Linux. A simplified 5-stage pipelined block diagram is shown below. The M-extension is implemented as a coprocessor while memory-management-unit (MMU) module is shared by instruction and data memory (alternatively called load-store-unit (LSU)) interfaces of the pipeline. Specifically, the page-table-walker (PTW) of the MMU is shared and there are separate TLBs (translation look aside buffers) for instruction and data memory interfaces. The A-extension is implemented as part of the LSU module.


The SoC block diagram shows the connectivity of the core with memory sub-system as well as different peripherals using data bus. The boot memory is connected to both instruction and data buses of the core using a bus multiplexer. The instruction and data caches share the main memory using a bus arbiter. Different necessary peripherals are connected using the data bus. Further details related to the SoC design are available at https://uetrv-pcore-doc.readthedocs.io/en/main/.


SoC Memory Map

The memory map for the SOC is provided in the following table.

Base Address Description Attributes
0x8000_0000 Memory R-X-W
0x9000_0000 UART R-W
0x9400_0000 PLIC R-W
0x9C00_0000 SPI R-W
0x0200_0000 CLINT R-W
0x0000_1000 Boot Memory R-X
  • R: Read access
  • W: Write access
  • X: Execute access

Getting Started

Install RISC-V toolchain and verilator. These tools can be built by following the instructions in the corresponding links, or can be installed directly by running the following command

sudo apt-get install -y gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf verilator gtkwave

Check that these tools are installed correctly, by running verilator --version and riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -v.

Build Model and Run Simulation

Verilator model of Pcore can be built using Makefile:

make verilate

The verilator model is build under ver_work/Vpcore_sim. The executeable can accept the following three parameters:

  • imem: This paramerter accepts the file that contain the hexadecimal instructions of compiled program.
  • max_cycles: This parameter cotrols the maxiumum number of cycles for simulation. Simulation terminates after executing these many cycles.
  • vcd: This parameters accepts a boolean value. If it is 0, the waveform file trace.vcd will not be dumped and vice versa.

An example program to print HELLO on terminal via UART is compiled and its hex instructions are availabe in here. Run the following command to simulate the example program

make sim-verilate-uart 

This will simulate hello.hex and dump UART logs in uart_logdata.log file. If vcd=1 is added to the above command, trace.vcd will be created that can be viewed by running

gtkwave trace.vcd

The imem and max_cycles may be overwritten in Makefile using.

make sim-verilate-uart imem=</path/to/hex/file> max_cycles=<No. of cycles> 


UETRV_Pcore uses RISOF framework to run Architecture Compatibility Tests (ACTs). Instructions to run these tests can be followed in verif directory.

Booting Linux

Using the same procedure as outlined above, we can simulate the Linux bootup using a prebuilt image (imem.zip) available in ./sdk/example-linux/ folder. The pre-built Linux image is prepared using initramfs based root file system (rootfs) and is directly linked into the kernel. Furthermore, the Linux/kernel image is linked as a payload to the OpenSBI that acts as a first-level bootloader. The imem.zip image contains:

  • Root file system (rootfs.cpio) based on initramfs using Busybox 1.33
  • The Linux (version 6.1.0) with rootfs.cpio linked into the kernel
  • OpenSBI (ver. 0.9) based first order bootloader with Linux kernel as payload

During booting process, the processor starts executing zero-level bootloader from bmem and then jumps to first-level bootloader (OpenSBI), which after necessary initializations, hands the control over to the kernel.

Booting with Verilator

For Verilator based simulation, one configurtion is required. Open the file rtl/defines/pcore_config_defs.svh and uncomment the line ` define RTL_SIMULATION 1. Now run the following command to extract the imem.txt to ./sdk/example-linux/ and simulate the Linux booting process using this pre-built image.

make sim-verilate-linux

The output is logged to the uart_logdata.log file (a copy of this log is available in ./sdk/).

Booting on FPGA Board

The processor is tested using Nexys-A7 (100T) FPGA board and Vivado 2019. Type the following command to open the project in Vivado 2019

vivado PCore_FPGA/PCore_FPGA.xpr

Make sure that ` define RTL_SIMULATION 1 in the file rtl/defines/pcore_config_defs.svh is commented out.

Generate bitstream

New bitstream can be generated with the exisitng project or you may use the prebuilt bitstream in folder FPGA_Target/Bit_stream

Booting Linux Image

  • Load the bitstream on the FPGA, your serial monitor will show message Load File
  • Type in the following commands to load the prebuilt Linux image
    cd sdk/load_image
    python3 serial_sendfile.py <baud_rate in MHz> <path/to/image/file>
  • Baud rate of existing bitstream is 1250000. Sample Linux image is saved in sdk/load_image folder.
  • If using default baud rate and default bitstream, the following command can be run
    python3 serial_sendfile.py 1.25 imem.bin

After successful downloading of the image the booting process starts. A snapshot of the boot log is shown below.
