
Exercise tracker web application built for users to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The application provides user to create it's account and start scheduling activities.

This repository consists of the frontend code. For backend refer:


  • User Login
  • User Registration
  • Create an activity card
  • Update an activity card
  • Delete an activity card
  • View all activity

Tech Stack

Client: React, Material UI

Server: Node Js , Express Js

Database: Mongo DB

Cloud: Vercel && Cyclic


First, clone the repository and cd into the project

git clone https://github.com/MuhammadHamzaFarooq/Exercise-Tracker-Dashboard.git](https://github.com/MuhammadHamzaFarooq/Exercise-Tracker-Dashboard.git)
cd Exercise-Tracker-Dashboard

Local Setup

Clone the project

  git clone https://link-to-project

Go to the project directory

  cd Exercise-Tracker-Dashboard

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the project

  npm run dev

Do run the backend while running the project

Screen Shots

User Registration:

Screenshot (20)

User Login:

Screenshot (21)


Screenshot (15)

Add Activity:

Screenshot (9)

Edit Activity:

Screenshot (12)

Delete Activity

Screenshot (16)

All Activity

Screenshot (16)