Blockship Bootcamp - Quiz 01 - Solidity

Instructions For Submission

  • On the github screen, at the top right corner, select the dropdown with + (plus) sign and select Import Repository
  • Fill in the Link URL:
  • Type the repository name: e.g. DiscordName-DiscordID-Quiz01
  • Set the visibility as private
  • Upload the Syntax-Errors Findings in a seperate file
    • Name the file as Code-Snippets-Solutions.pdf
    • Place your file in the contracts directory e.g Recruit-1234-Quiz01/solidity-template/contracts/Code-Snippets-Solutions.pdf
  • Add user Blockship-CrewChief as collaborator
    • Go to Settings in your repository
    • Go to Collaborators in sidebar
    • Select Add People button
    • Search for username: Blockship-CrewChief
    • Select Invite Collaborator