Step-1 Install utilities
Install these packages
aws cli kubectl kustomize elkctl
Step-2 Configure AWS
Login your user with aws cli
$ aws configure
Enter access key Enter secret key Enter region which is 'us-east-2' Enter formate type 'json'
Step-3 Create cluster
$ make create_cluster
this command will create the cluster and all the necessaries with it using eksctl utility. you can edit the settings and cluster type in cluster.yaml file
Step-4 Enable "Service account"
$ make enable_iam_sa_provider
Step-5 Make cluster-role (RBAC) alb ingress controller - default
$ make create_cluster_role
Step-6 Create IAM policy (its for aws load balancer controller - default)
$ make create_iam_policy
Step-7 Create service account (its for aws load balancer controller - default)
$ make create_iam_policy
Step-8 deploy certificate manager for https requests (optional)
$ make deploy_cert_manager
Step-9 Deploy ingress controller of AWS (default)
$ make deploy_ingress_controller
Step-10 Deploy ingress(it will work as reverse proxy) and applications
$ make deploy_application
NOTE: aws load-balancer controller and alb ingress controller need to be install to EKS by aws. for more info check aws controller section.
curl -s "" | bash
$ sudo apt install aws_cli -y