
GameTweet is a social media platform that will replace Twitter.

Primary LanguageC#



GameTweet is a social media platform moccing user with tweets, comments and replies.

Getting Started

Fetch solution to local visual studio repo
download all dependency packages and build the application
In VS Package Manager Console run command "update-database" to add the DB to local sql server
db exported as data-tier application in folder DB

Packages Used

Domain Layer


GameTweet Layer (App Layer)

Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore (v 50.15)
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design (v 50.15)
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer (v 50.15)
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools (v 50.15)
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson (v 50.15)

GameTweet Layer (App Layer)

NewtonsoftJson (v 5.0.15)
MongoDB.Driver (v 2.15.0)
NSwag.ASPNetCore(v 13.15.10)
AutoMapper (V 11.0.0)

Repository Layer

Service Layer

API references

Verb [HttpGet]
Input [_userId] optional string represent UserId
Output [userTweets] list of user’s tweets along with related comments on the tweet,fl


Verb [HtpPost]
Input [tweet] tweet that will be added
Output [JsonResult] Feedback message represent request status.
Acceptance criteria
User can post maximum 140 characters per tweet.
Single tweet can receive multiple comments.


Verb [HtpPost]
Input [Commment] comment that will be added to specific tweet In case that have a comment Id it will be considered as a reply.
Output [JsonResult] Feedback message represent request status.
Acceptance criteria
Comment could receive multiple replies.
Total replies field indicate the comment if have any replies or not, so if it has any replies it can be shown in the UI to load its replies.


Pagination response.
Use loggers libraries ex. Serilog.
Generic methods classes to avoid repeated functions.
Indexing DB.
Integration & Unit testing