
This repository will help you to learn all the basic of javsscript in a proper manner step by step.

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What is Javascript?

JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for front-end web development. It was created by Brendan Eich in 1995 while he was working at Netscape Communications Corporation. Initially, JavaScript was called LiveScript, but it was later renamed to JavaScript for marketing purposes. Since then, JavaScript has evolved significantly and is now used for a wide range of purposes, including server-side programming, desktop application development, and mobile app development.

Why is JavaScript So Popular?

There are several reasons why JavaScript has become the most popular programming language, including:

It's Easy to Learn: JavaScript is a beginner-friendly language that's easy to learn and understand. Unlike other programming languages, JavaScript doesn't require a lot of setup or configuration. All you need is a text editor and a web browser, and you can start coding.

It's Versatile: JavaScript is a versatile language that can be used for a wide range of purposes, from front-end web development to server-side programming. This versatility has made JavaScript the go-to language for developers who want to build complex web applications.

It Has a Large Community: JavaScript has one of the largest developer communities in the world. There are countless online resources, tutorials, and forums where developers can learn and share their knowledge. This vast community has helped to make JavaScript more accessible and easier to use.

It's Constantly Evolving: JavaScript is a constantly evolving language that's always adapting to meet the needs of developers. New frameworks and libraries are being created all the time, making it easier to build complex applications quickly.

Outline of this course.

  1. JS Introduction
  2. JS Implementation
  3. HTML Tags in Javascript
  4. JS Comments
  5. JS Variables
  6. JS Variables ( Let & Const )
  7. JS Data Types
  8. JS Arithmetic Operators
  9. JS Assignment Operators
  10. JS with Google Chrome Console
  11. JS Comparison Operators
  12. JS If Statement
  13. JS Logical Operators
  14. JS If Else Statement
  15. JS If Else If Statement
  16. JS Conditional Ternary Operator
  17. JS Switch Case
  18. JS Alert Box
  19. JS Confirm Box
  20. JS Prompt Box
  21. JS Functions
  22. JS Functions with Parameters
  23. JS Functions with Return Value
  24. JS Global & Local Variable
  25. JS Events
  26. JS While Loop
  27. JS Do While Loop
  28. JS For Loop
  29. JS Break & Continue Statement
  30. JS Even & Odd with Loops
  31. JS Nested Loop JavaScript Nested Loop - II
  32. JS Arrays
  33. JS Create Arrays Method - II
  34. JS Multidimensional Arrays
  35. JS Modify & Delete Array
  36. JS Array Sort & Reverse
  37. JS Array Pop & Push
  38. JS Array Shift & Unshift
  39. JS Array Concat & Join
  40. JS Array Slice & Splice
  41. JS isArray
  42. JS Array index
  43. JS Array Includes
  44. JS Array Some & Every
  45. JS Array find & find index
  46. JS Array Filter
  47. JS Array Methods
  48. JS forEach Loop 49, JS Objects
  49. JS Objects - II
  50. JS Array of Objects
  51. JS Const Variable with Array & Objects
  52. JS For in Loop
  53. JS Map Method
  54. JS String Methods
  55. JS String Methods - II
  56. JS Number Methods
  57. JS Math Methods
  58. JS Date Methods