
A command-line Java application for managing library books and users. Features include adding, displaying, borrowing, returning, and searching for books and users. Data is stored in text files, and no external dependencies are required for running application.

Primary LanguageJava

Library Management System

This is a simple command-line library management system written in Java. It allows users to manage books and users in a library, including functionalities like adding books and users, displaying available books, borrowing and returning books, and searching for books and users.


  • Add Book: Allows users to add new books to the library by providing book ID, title, author, and genre.
  • Add User: Enables users to register new users in the library by providing user ID, name, and contact information.
  • Display Books: Displays the list of available books in the library, including their details such as title, author, and availability status.
  • Display Users: Displays the list of registered users in the library along with their details and the books they have borrowed.
  • Borrow Book: Allows users to borrow a book by providing the book ID and user ID. Checks if the book is available and updates the availability status accordingly.
  • Return Book: Enables users to return a borrowed book by providing the book ID and user ID. Updates the availability status of the book and removes it from the user's borrowed books list.
  • Search Books: Allows users to search for books by title or author. Displays the list of books matching the search keyword.
  • Search Users: Allows users to search for users by user ID. Displays the user's details and the books they have borrowed.

How to Use

  1. Setup: Compile the Java files and run the LibraryManagementSystem class.
  2. Menu: Follow the on-screen menu to perform different operations such as adding books/users, borrowing/returning books, and searching.
  3. Input: Enter the required information prompted by the system for each operation.
  4. Exit: Choose the "Exit" option from the menu to save changes and exit the program.

File Handling

  • Books and users data are stored in separate text files (books.txt and users.txt).
  • Upon startup, the system checks for the existence of these files. If not found, they are created.
  • When exiting the program, the system saves any changes made to books and users data back to the respective files.


  • No external dependencies are required to run this program.


  • This project is maintained by Muhammad Shavaiz Butt.
  • Contributions are welcome. Feel free to submit bug reports or feature requests.