
Working on your own branch:

  1. In RStudio, open Tools > Shell [Moving forward all git commands with be entered in the shell]
  2. Create a new branch in your own name using the Shell, by entering the following command (replace with your name): git checkout -b Usman
  3. Before you start working on the code, pull from the main branch using the following command: git pull origin main
  4. once you have made the code changes, commit your change. this can be done in the regular way using RStudio, or by using the following command: git commit -a -m "Your commit message"
  5. Push changes to the repo using the following command: git push [If this command doesn't work, use this command: git push --set-upstream origin ]
  6. Open Github and the SECOM repo. You should see an option to create a new Pull Request. Do this and ask your collaborators to review.
  7. Merge the pull request after approval.

<I would recommend creating a new branch everytime work is started, with the branch name suggesting the work done, e.g, initial-analysis-yourname>