
There are more than 5000 garment and knitwear industries out of which 500 are only in Faisalabad of middle and small level who don't have any kind of software solution available for complex garment and knitwear calculation and no way to know the flow of information and transparency and communication in these departments from yarn purchasing, knitting, dying, cutting, printing/embroidery, induction, stitching, finishing, packing, and shipping and they have no way to prepare the bill of material and check their capacity holding. Many industries are using Excel and paperwork for managing these operation, calculation, and information flow. If any formula goes wrong in Excel, it may cost the industry a heavy loss. Like error in cutting. The industry must hire a separate person to manage this kind of process and have to pay minimum 40,000 per person in every department. But still, they are facing heavy loss because if a person leaves the industry, he may take all the excel sheet and paperwork with him. The purpose of our project is to provide a platform that will enable the user to continuously monitor production. Perform complex calculations without any error.

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