
  • Multiple environment ready (development, production)
  • Custom email/password user system with basic security and blocking for preventing brute force attacks.
  • Compressed responses.
  • Secured HTTP headers.
  • CORS ready.
  • Cache ready (Redis).
  • HTTP request logger in development mode.
  • i18n ready (for sending emails in multiple languages).
  • User roles.
  • Pagination ready.
  • User profile.
  • Users list for admin area.
  • Cities model and controller example.
  • Login access log with IP, browser and country location (for country it looks for the header cf-ipcountry that CloudFlare creates when protecting your website).
  • API autogenerated documentation by Postman.
  • API collection example for Postman.
  • Testing with mocha/chai for API endpoints.
  • NPM scripts for cleaning and seeding the MongoDB database.
  • NPM script for keeping good source code formatting using prettier and ESLint.
  • Use of ESLint for good coding practices.
  • Mailer example with Nodemailer and Mailgun.
  • Ability to refresh token
  • JWT Tokens, make requests with a token after login with Authorization header with value Bearer yourToken where yourToken is the signed and encrypted token given in the response from the login process.


  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • ExpressJS
  • NodeJS
  • NodeMailer