This package provides a simple custom authentication guard for Laravel using an external JWT provided by an OAuth server or Any type of SSO that uses a JWT. Below a figure describe the flow.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require abublihi/laravel-external-jwt-guard
publish the configuration file externaljwtguard.php
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Abublihi\LaravelExternalJwtGuard\LaravelExternalJwtGuardServiceProvider" --tag config
The package is very simple but also powerful when it comes to customization, After installation and publishing of the configurations you should first configure your default
authorization server,
NOTE: The package allow you to add multiple authorization servers but for mostly use cases you only need one authorization server.
please head to configuration file config/externaljwtguard.php
, the configurations is separated in three main Sections:
- Identification settings
- Creation setting (optional)
- Validation settings
First will go over the configuration of Identification settings
, as the name denotes, the Identification settings
is the configurations that allows the package to identify the user by using the JWT claims.
NOTE: please make sure these are configured well.
Name | Description | Required? |
id_claim | the claim provided in The JWT by your SSO that identifies the user, for example UUID or Email it should be Unique | Yes |
roles_claim | the claim where your SSO put the Roles of the user | No |
id_attribute | the attribute in your system of the package can match by the id_claim | Yes |
NOTE: id_attribute is in your system, the package use it to identify the authenticated user for example if you have configured the guard to a provider that is configured to a User model the package will look for the id_attribute and match it with the id_claim from the JWT
'id_claim' => env('JWT_GUARD_ID_CLAIM', 'sub'),
'roles_claim' => env('JWT_GUARD_ROLES_CLAIM', 'roles'), // not yet used
'id_attribute' => env('JWT_GUARD_ID_ATTRIBUTE', 'id'), // in your database (e.g. users table)
The creation setting is used to configure how will create a user if not exists in the system, you can disable this feature and we encourage disabling it.
Name | Description | Required? |
create_user | boolean (to disable or enable the creation of the user if not exists) | No |
create_user_action_class | An action class for creation of a user (default: \Abublihi\LaravelExternalJwtGuard\Support\CreateUserByJwtAction::class) | No, yes if create_user=true |
random_password_on_creation | boolean (to randomly set a password attribute as a random value while creation of a user) | No |
creation_claim_attribute_map | array of mapping the claim (from jwt) to the attribute (your model) | No,yes if create_user=true |
NOTE: You can use your own action to create the user but you should implement the interface
'create_user' => env('JWT_GUARD_CREATE_USER', false),
// you can define your own action by implementing the interface Abublihi\LaravelExternalJwtGuard\Interfaces\CreateUserActionInterface
'create_user_action_class' => \Abublihi\LaravelExternalJwtGuard\Support\CreateUserByJwtAction::class,
// create random password for the newly created user if password attribute exists on the database table,
// and you set the create_user to true you should also set this to true
'random_password_on_creation' => env('JWT_GUARD_CREATE_USER', false),
// this will set the user data for creation from the jwt claims
'creation_claim_attribute_map' => [
// jwt_claim => database_attribute
// '' => 'email' // you can look for a claim using dot(.) this will get employee claim and then look for the email in employee claim
// 'sub' => 'id',
// 'name' => 'name',
Name | Description | Required? |
issuer | the issuer of the JWT | No, yes if validate_issuer=true |
validate_issuer | boolean (validate the issuer or not) | No |
public_key | the public key of your authorization server | Yes |
signing_algorithm | the signing algorithm of your authorization server | Yes |
'issuer' => '',
'validate_issuer' => true,
'public_key' => env('JWT_GUARD_AUTH_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY'), // if RSA, make sure it's start with -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- and ends with -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
'signing_algorithm' => env('JWT_GUARD_AUTH_SIGN_ALG', 'RS256'),
After we have configured our Authorization server next we have to configure the our guard in config/auth.php
in the Guards you can add/modify the guards where you want to use JWT as authentication guard by setting the driver to external-jwt-auth
'guards' => [
'api-jwt' => [
'driver' => 'external-jwt-auth', // <-- here you have to set the drive to `external-jwt-auth`
'provider' => 'users',
Add a route in for example routes/api.php
Route::middleware('auth:api-jwt')->group(function() {
Route::get('user', function(){
return request()->user(); // <-- will return the user which is configured
The package also comes with a role middleware that checks the roles of the JWT (User), you should configure it right first by using the config file roles_claim
to the right roles claim which should be an array of roles. to use the middleware you have two options:
- define an alias in
- use it directly without an alias
Go to app/Http/Kernel.php
and add the following line
NOTE: The name of the alias could be any thing
protected $middlewareAliases = [
// ...
'jwt-role' => \Abublihi\LaravelExternalJwtGuard\Middleware\CheckJwtRoles::class
Using the middleware in the routes
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:api-jwt' 'jwt-role:manager']], function () {
// this will allow any jwt with the role `manager`
You can specify multiple roles with a | (pipe) character, which is treated as OR
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:api-jwt' 'jwt-role:manager|super-admin']], function () {
// this will allow any jwt with the role `manager` or `super-admin`
use Abublihi\LaravelExternalJwtGuard\Middleware\CheckJwtRoles;
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:api-jwt' CheckJwtRoles::class.':manager']], function () {
// this will allow any jwt with the role `manager`
Example JWT with roles claim
"iss": "",
"aud": "",
"sub": "2",
"jti": "4f1g23a12aa",
"iat": 1707071173.863238,
"nbf": 1707071113.863238,
"exp": 1707074773.863238,
"uid": "2",
"roles": [
composer test
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.