
Delete pod and the lens does not react

harlee-x opened this issue · 7 comments

On the pod page, click Delete pod and the lens does not react

Have you checked it from CLI that the pod is actually removed ?

Problem probably is in cluster

use kubectl delete pod to success, use delete not work for pod page

Two more suggestions

1- Try with Lens if they have the same error and open error there
2- If not, try at @alebcay who is the owner of the extension

We are not changing source code and cant resolve issues unless it is proven to be a build issue

ok, tks

I have the same issue, I'm able to delete any pod from the command line with kubectl but not from Lens.
This is clearly a problem with this app, please fix.

Well, the PR was closed. But it still happening. Does anyone know a workaroud for it?