- 1
Project openlens is dead ?
#204 opened by emoxam - 2
About Lens, closed source and list of alternatives
#198 opened by lishoujun - 2
Shell can not open while pod log can open
#202 opened by diaoruiqing - 20
Public sources are gone
#188 opened by jkroepke - 1
OpenLens not sync'ed with latest upstream Lens release (v2024.1.300751-latest)
#199 opened by Trikenstein - 1
Terminal not switching with clusters
#200 opened by Filipcsupka - 2
Make 'no updates' notice more visible
#192 opened by lukasz-mitka - 1
- 1
Support for grafana agent/alloy
#196 opened by descof - 2
Does Lens close its source code?
#183 opened by dictcp - 1
- 1
Namespaces delete button has no confirmation dialog
#190 opened by d-jsb - 1
- 1
Any way to build a no-need-install version
#186 opened by sonnyhcl - 1
Open lens hasn't updated since the version for the lens repository changed to date based versioning.
#187 opened by absmith82 - 3
kubectl slower to respond through OpenLens terminal, compared to Lens or standalone terminal
#182 opened by mossroy - 3
Logs Menu on pods Linux
#169 opened by juliocesarsantos1020 - 7
Delete pod and the lens does not react
#154 opened by harlee-x - 1
AppImage for latest v6.5.2-366
#180 opened by Cloud-Mak - 4
Missing features in OpenLens Build
#179 opened by phpwutz - 2
update-desktop-database: command not found
#175 opened by rgaiacs - 1
Broken openlens choco
#176 opened by mortenn - 3
Error when updating/upgrading a helm release (issue not occuring in regular Lens)
#174 opened by skhtor - 3
'openlens' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
#171 opened by mikhatanu - 1
Add AppImage build
#170 opened by yarons - 2
Support of appimage update
#168 opened by FStefanni - 15
Linux arm64 deb points to x86_64 pty.node
#159 opened by thatguyatgithub - 2
- 1
Lens metrics missing
#165 opened by micgruber - 9
Logs Menu on pods
#133 opened by mkohyann - 7
Auto Updater Broken
#155 opened by MuhammedKalkan - 1
为什么其中一个dp的没了监控,提示Metrics not available at the moment
#152 opened by wsw136 - 3
- 1
[Brew] update error
#148 opened by jeanbort - 32
- 0
Extensions menu not visible on MacOS
#144 opened by ovinsc - 1
- 4
Error: SHA256 mismatch
#141 opened by borovoykirill - 4
- 5
Not showing CPU and Disk metrics from Prometheus and Dashboard resources summary
#129 opened by trombini77 - 4
Latest deb link?
#130 opened by turowicz - 1
Missing latest-mac.yml
#137 opened by ckosmowski - 1
Scroll bar gets stuck when opening two or more clusters simultaneously
#134 opened by krishna2vinayak - 1
OpenLens-6.4.2.amd64.deb does not work on Ubuntu 18.04
#132 opened by Z9n2JktHlZDmlhSvqc9X2MmL3BwQG7tk - 6
- 2
6.4.1 Mac signing
#131 opened by MuhammedKalkan - 1
- 6
Black screen after connecting to a cluster
#126 opened by luandrea - 1
6.4.0-beta 13: latest stable version?
#124 opened by suschizu - 4