How to set up a new Entities project

DOTS Samples

Learning DOTS

This material covers the core DOTS packages: Entities, Collections, Burst, Mathematics, and the job system. (For material about the other DOTS packages, see their manuals: Physics, Netcode, Entities.Graphics.)


  1. Video: The C# Job system (11 minutes)
  2. Video: ECS Entities and components (10 minutes)
  3. Video: ECS Systems (7 minutes)

API Overview

  1. The C# Job system
  2. Entities and components
  3. Systems
  4. Accessing entities in jobs
  5. Entity command buffers
  6. Transform components and systems
  7. Baking and entity scenes
  8. Additional Entities features

Additional reading

  1. Blog post: Improving Job System Performance part 1
  2. Blog post: Improving Job System Performance part 2

Example code and cheat sheets: