

This is a Flask-based blog application that allows users to register, log in, create, edit, and delete blog posts. Admin users have additional capabilities to manage other users.

Project Structure

The project directory contains the following files and directories:

  • app.py: Main application file to run the Flask server.
  • docker-compose.yaml: Docker Compose file to set up and run the application.
  • Dockerfile: Dockerfile for building the Docker image.
  • init_db.py: Script to initialize the database.
  • login.py: Script for user login functionality.
  • register_user.py: Script for user registration via CLI.
  • schema.sql: SQL file to create the database schema.
  • requirements.txt: List of Python dependencies.
  • templates/: Directory containing HTML template files.
  • static/: Directory containing static files like CSS and JavaScript.
  • README.md: This file.


To run this application locally, follow these steps:

Using Docker Compose:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/berkmkaracayir/Flask_blog.git
    cd Flask_blog
  2. Build and run the application using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up --build
  3. Initialize the database:

    docker-compose exec web python init_db.py

Without Docker Compose:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/berkmkaracayir/Flask_blog.git
    cd Flask_blog
  2. Create a virtual environment and activate it:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  3. Install the dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set environment variables and run the application:

    export FLASK_APP=app.py
    export FLASK_ENV=production
    flask run
  5. Initialize the database:

    python init_db.py


Once the application is running, you can access it at http://localhost:8000.

  1. Register a new user:

    • Access the registration page at http://localhost:8000/register or use the CLI script:
      docker-compose exec web python register_user.py
  2. Log in:

    • Access the login page at http://localhost:8000/login.
  3. Create a new post:

    • Access the create post page at http://localhost:8000/create.
  4. Edit a post:

    • Go to the specific post page and click the "Edit" button if you are the owner or an admin.
  5. Delete a post:

    • Go to the specific post page and click the "Delete" button if you are the owner or an admin.
  6. Admin panel:

    • Admin users can access the admin panel at http://localhost:8000/admin to manage users.


The following table lists the key endpoints of the application along with their HTTP methods and descriptions:

Endpoint Method Description
/ GET Home page listing all blog posts.
/post/<post_id> GET View a specific post.
/create GET Display the form to create a new post.
/create POST Submit a new post.
/edit/<post_id> GET Display the form to edit a post.
/edit/<post_id> POST Submit changes to a post.
/delete/<post_id> POST Delete a post.
/login GET Display the login form.
/login POST Submit login credentials.
/logout GET Log out the current user.
/register GET Display the registration form.
/register POST Submit registration details.
/admin GET Admin panel for managing users.
/edit_user/<id> GET Display the form to edit a user.
/edit_user/<id> POST Submit changes to a user.
/delete_user/<id> POST Delete a user.

File Descriptions

  1. app.py:

    • The main Flask application file that initializes and runs the server.
  2. docker-compose.yaml:

    • Defines the services for the Docker Compose setup. It builds the web service and maps port 8000.
  3. Dockerfile:

    • Contains instructions to build the Docker image for the application.
  4. init_db.py:

    • Script to initialize the SQLite database using the schema defined in schema.sql.
  5. login.py:

    • Handles user login functionality.
  6. register_user.py:

    • CLI script for registering a new user, specifically an admin user.
  7. schema.sql:

    • SQL script to create the necessary database tables.
  8. requirements.txt:

    • Lists all the Python packages required to run the application.
  9. templates/:

    • Contains the HTML templates for different pages:
      • base.html: Base template extended by other templates.
      • index.html: Home page listing all blog posts.
      • post.html: Individual post page.
      • create.html: Create a new post page.
      • edit.html: Edit an existing post page.
      • login.html: User login page.
      • register.html: User registration page.
      • edit_user.html: Edit user information page.
      • admin.html: Admin dashboard.
  10. static/:

    • Contains static files like CSS and JavaScript.


The project requires the following Python packages (listed in requirements.txt):

  • Blinker
  • Click
  • Flask
  • Flask-Login
  • Flask-WTF
  • Gunicorn
  • Itsdangerous
  • Jinja2
  • Markdown
  • Markdown2
  • MarkupSafe
  • Packaging
  • Werkzeug
  • WTForms


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Feel free to contribute to the project by submitting pull requests or reporting issues. For detailed information on usage and contributing guidelines, refer to the documentation within the project repository.