
A simple cross-platform MySQL database managment API, with this API the developer will be able to make changes to their database with as simple as making 1 call.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

MySQLManager Build Status Nuget

A cross-platform MySQL database manager for C#


Download with NuGet, or download the release and include MySQLManager.dll as a reference in your project.

You can even download use Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio by typing

Install-Package MySQLManager -Version 1.0.0

Or using .NET CLI by typing

dotnet add package MySQLManager --version 1.0.0

How it works

MySQLManager is simply a library which implements MySQL functionalties and takes care of handling connection opening and connection closing and everything else.

MySQLManager makes it possible to Create, Remove, Update and Read data to and from database with ease. MySQLManager is a corss-platform library which allows developers to communicate with MySQL database using this library by making different function cals.

A developer should make use of events to get notifications back, more will be explained in the API and Examples Sections.


All examples can be found in the Examples folder.

Creating data (Inserting data into database)

See Insert for a complete example.

       //Create database credntials
       //This is important because constructor takes credentials to open connections properly
       ConnectionCredentials credentials = new ConnectionCredentials { 
           Server = "",
           Database = "mysqlmanager",
           Username = "root",
           Password = ""
       //Create manager instance
       CRUDManager manager = new CRUDManager(credentials);
       //Subscribe to events
       manager.ConnectionOpenedSuccessfully += Manager_ConnectionOpenedSuccessfully; ;
       manager.ConnectionFailedToOpen += Manager_ConnectionFailedToOpen; ;
       manager.ConnectionClosedSuccessfully += Manager_ConnectionClosedSuccessfully;
       manager.ConnectionFailedToClose += Manager_ConnectionFailedToClose;
       manager.CreatedSuccessfully += Manager_CreatedSuccessfully;
       manager.FailedToCreate += Manager_FailedToCreate;
       //Create columns instance (The columns to insert data into)
       Columns columns = new Columns("name", "age");
       //Create values which will be inserted
       Values values = new Values(name, age.ToString());
       //Call create function and pass the table name, columns and values
       manager.Create("info", columns, values);

Custom Query

Developers are not restricted on what queries are available; However, they can create their own query and execute it.

See ExecuteCustomQuery for a complete example.

       //Create database credntials
       //This is important because constructor takes credentials to open connections properly
       ConnectionCredentials credentials = new ConnectionCredentials
           Server = "",
           Database = "mysqlmanager",
           Username = "root",
           Password = ""

       //Create manager instance
       CRUDManager manager = new CRUDManager(credentials);

       //Subscribe to events
       manager.ConnectionOpenedSuccessfully += Manager_ConnectionOpenedSuccessfully; ;
       manager.ConnectionFailedToOpen += Manager_ConnectionFailedToOpen; ;
       manager.ConnectionClosedSuccessfully += Manager_ConnectionClosedSuccessfully;
       manager.ConnectionFailedToClose += Manager_ConnectionFailedToClose;
       manager.CustomQueryExecutedSuccessfully += Manager_CustomQueryExecutedSuccessfully;
       manager.FailedToExecuteCustomQuery += Manager_FailedToExecuteCustomQuery;
       //Build up the query
       string query = "SELECT * FROM info WHERE name='Muhand Jumah' AND age = '22'";
       //Create a multidimensional list which will hold the results from the SELECT query
       List<List<string>> res = new List<List<string>>();
       //Execute the custom query and pass the query, the type of execution, and the output list
       manager.ExecuteCustomQuery(query,ExecutionOptions.ExecuteReader, out res);


Please check the API page in the WIKI for more information,

Need Help? Found a bug?

If you went through our API WIKI and you still seem to have troubles or there is a bug in the API then please don't hesitate to Submit an issue and cc @Muhand. And, also of course, feel free to submit pull requests with bug fixes or changes (If you don't wish to be credited let me know).