

Hello, we are from Fafife Maqin Yaqin.


The Presence App is a comprehensive application designed to streamline attendance tracking in educational settings. Leveraging the power of the Azle library, this app provides an efficient and user-friendly solution for teachers and educators to manage and monitor student attendance in various classrooms.



Here is some functions that work in this app.

  1. Function to create a new class (aNewClass). This function allows the user to create a new classroom and generates a unique 4-digit presence code for that class.

    const result = await aNewClass("STRUKTUR DATA");
  2. Function to mark presence of students (bDoPresence). This function enables users to mark the attendance of a student by entering the presence code associated with a specific classroom.

    const result = await cDoPresence("4334", "NUR MUHAMMAD");
  3. Function to get classroom attendance (cGetClassroomAttendance). Retrieve the attendance details for a specific classroom, including the class name, presence code, and a list of attendees.

    const result = await bGetClassroomAttendance("STRUKTUR DATA");

How to Use

You can run this project by running the following command:

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone 
  2. Install the dependencies.

    npm install
  3. In the first terminal, start the dfx server.

    dfx start
  4. In another terminal, deploy the app to start the web ui.

    dfx deploy
  5. Open the URL that given from step 4 in your browser. Boom, you can access the presence app!