This is a basic Back-End MovieDb that was created using MySQL and Node.js to store movies names given them ids and reviews and users can create requests to all movies in the database, get reviews and update them.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of Contents

Description :

This is a basic Back-End MovieDb that was created using MySQL and Node.js to store movies names given them ids and reviews and users can create requests to all movies in the database, get reviews and updatethem.

Licenses :


Installation :

To install the MovieDb API App use the instructions bellow ↓

npm install

mysql -u root -p

source schema.sql

source seeds.sql

Usage :

After installation users can use software like postman or insomnia to test the database and create requests to all movies in the database by using the get method or update the reviews and adding more movies by using the post method or deleting movies by using the delete method.

Technologies :

  • JavaScript.
  • Node.js.
  • Express.js.
  • SQL.
  • MySQL.
  • Mysql2 npm package.
  • .

Credits :

Contributions :

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

Questions :

If you have any Question please feel free to contact me:

© 2021 MovieDb API