
My personal portfolio website Thanks for checking out my portfolio website


  • Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com/ Note : Bootstrap is use only for styling navbar and contact form remaining parts are done using custom styles (scss)


Hey, I know CSS, but I never use SCSS, What to do now ?

In this template I’ve use a CSS preprocessor i.e scss. If you don’t know scss don’t worry, It would hardly takes 60 minutes learn its basic. Here are some tutorial I would recommend which will help you to learn SCSS. Learn Sass In 20 Minutes | Sass Crash Course https://youtu.be/Zz6eOVaaelI How to start using Sass without having to worry about the command line
https://youtu.be/Yan2eurSNGg 5 Sass features that make it better than vanilla CSS https://youtu.be/g1kF45K-q7o Blog https://medium.com/swlh/learn-the-scss-sass-basics-in-5-minutes-73002653b443