
Data Analysis on Email Classification Data set

  • In this we use emails.csv file which provide information of different emails.
  • In this emails.csv file we have a target column "Prediction" that identify whether the mail is spam or not.
  • In Order to Train the data we make a dataset that conatin equal number of spam and ham mails.

Data Testing

In Data Testing we test the data on three Different models.

  1. Naive Bayes: This model used for text identification through text it identify whether the mail is spam or not.
  2. Support Vector Machine: Support Vector Machine is used for classic classification problems. SVMs work on the algorithm of Maximal Margin.
  3. Random Forest Classifier: It Ensemble methods turn any feeble model into a highly powerful one.
  • CASE 1 : Let's take a word 'Greetings'. Say, it is present in both 'Spam' and 'Not Spam' mails.
  • CASE 2 : Let's take a word 'lottery'.Say, it is present in only spam mails.
  • CASE 3 : Let's take a word 'cheap'. Say, it is present only in spam mails.

To Run The Code

  • Clone Github Repository to your computer
  • Run Train Data.ipynb to prepare the data in your computer.
  • Run Test Data.ipynb to check the accuracy of emails.