Question 1 Number Pattern
Print the following pattern for n number of rows. For eg. N = 5
1 1 12 21 123 321 1234 4321 1234554321
Ques 2 Reverse Every Word
Given a string S, reverse each word of a string individually. For eg. if a string is "abc def", reversed string should be "cba fed".
Input Format : String S
Output Format : Updated string
Sample Input : Welcome to Hacktober Hackathon
Sample Output: emocleW ot rebotkcaH nohtakcaH
Ques 3 All prime numbers
Given an integer N, print all the prime numbers that lies in between 2 to N (both inclusive). Print the prime numbers in different lines.
Input Format : Integer N
Output Format : Prime number in different lines
Sample Input : 9
Sample Output : 2 3 5 7
Ques 4 Decimal to Binary
Given a decimal number (integer N), convert it into binary and print. The binary number should be in the form of an integer. Note : The given input number could be large, so the corresponding binary number can exceed the integer range. So take the answer as long.
Input format : Integer N
Output format : Corresponding Binary number (long)
Sample Input 1 : 12
Sample Output 1 : 1100