LFGHO - AaveArtVault 🚀

Introduction 🔥

Revolutionizing art finance, our platform pioneers NFT collateralization with GHO tokens on Aave, empowering creators through decentralized lending.

TechStack Used 🎯

  • Solidity
  • ethers.js
  • Hardhat
  • Family - ConnectKit
  • Metamask
  • openzeppelin
  • Aave V3
  • Stable Coins - GHO, DAI
  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • Chakra UI
  • Sepolia Testnet
  • Alchemy
  • WalletConnect
  • Wagmi
  • High-Level Architectural Diagram 📓

    Final Export

    Local Setup 🚧

    1. Fork the repo.
    2. Clone the repo.

    Backend Setup 👷

    cd hardhat
    1. Create .env file in the root of the hardhat folder
    touch .env
    1. generate RPC URL on Alchemy Example, ALCHEMY_MAINNET_RPC_URL=

    2. Install dependencies

    1. Run Tests
    yarn hardhat test

    Frontend Setup 👷

    cd ../frontend/
    1. Create .env file at the root of the frontend project and configure environment variables of the API keys (NFTPort, Alchemy, WalletConnect), Refer .env.example.
    touch .env
    1. Install dependencies
    1. Start the website locally using
    yarn run dev

    Deployed Contract Addresses 📜

    LoanManager.sol :-


    NFT.sol :-
