This is an MVP version of the Bookstore website that allows a user to: Display a list of books; Add a book; and Remove a selected book. Built using React and Redux.
- Major languages: CSS and JavaScript
- Frameworks: ReactJS
- Technologies used: Linters, Git, npm, Webpack
You should be having Node.js installed on your computer
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Navigate to a folder where you want the cloned file to appear
Clone this repo in your terminal or git bash using the command
npm install
to install all the necessary dependencies including the linters and webpack -
Navigate to the folder called Leaderboard and open this project using your editor
You run
npm run start
to start the local server on port 3000 -
You also run
npm run build
to build your project
Run the following commands on your terminal:
- CSS/SCSS, run
npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}"
- Javascript
npx eslint .
- Link:
- Deployed using GitHub Pages
- Link: N/A
👤 Emmanuel Simasiku
- GitHub: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code snippet was used for...
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is MIT licensed.