Simple set of python scripts to modify your desktop background to a textcloud of deep learning papers based on trending research or user specified query.


This branch of the repository focuses on minimal, easy access and does not include the recommendation feature. While its quite fancy and useful to have such a feature, it quite computationally expensive to build embeddings, store them, etc and contradicts the "easy access to deep learning papers" idea. Incase anyone is interested you can checkout this branch.


# clone repository
git clone https://github.com/MukundVarmaT/oh-my-dl.git
cd oh-my-dl/

# install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# first run (downloads database containing papers from 2018)
python3 ohmydl.py -u


Fetch recent papers from arxiv (categories: categories: cs.CV, cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.CL, cs.NE, stat.ML) and update local database

python3 ohmydl.py [-u/--update]

# in the first run, a base dataset is downloaded containing papers from 2018 and stored locally!

Fetch latest trending papers (based on number of GitHub stars per hour)

python3 ohmydl.py [-t/--trending]

Fetch recent papers (last updated from arxiv)

python3 ohmydl.py [-n/--new]

Query local database for specific types of papers and update background with top results. Each paper is indexed with a number for retrieving info and direct download.

python3 ohmydl.py [-q/--query] "<query>"

# In the case of multiple queries, seperate each by a semicolon. For example: 
python3 ohmydl.py -q "transformers for image recognition; transformers for long range sequence modelling;"

Retrieve paper info by index (info: authors, journal, urls, abstract)

python3 ohmydl.py [-i/--info] <index>

Download paper by index to <path-to-cloned-repo>/pdfs/

python3 ohmydl.py [-d/--download] <index>

Setting up alias

  • Add alias ohmydl="python3 <path to cloned folder>/ohmydl.py $@" to your .bashrc or .zshrc.
  • After adding the alias, all commands which looked like python3 ohmydl.py blah..blah.. will now become ohmydl blah..blah.. and can be run from any directory.

Auto update using Crontab

  • Schedule new job by entering crontab -e and add <frequency> /usr/bin/python3 <path-to-cloned-repo>/ohmydl.py -u > /dev/null 2>&1.
  • For example, to update every Monday at 1 am 0 1 * * 1 /usr/bin/python3 <path-to-cloned-repo>/ohmydl.py -u > /dev/null 2>&1.

Modifiable parameters

can be found here

# category selection (refer https://arxiv.org/help/api/user-manual#Subject%20Classifications for more details)
DEF_QUERY = "cat:cs.CV+OR+cat:cs.AI+OR+cat:cs.LG+OR+cat:cs.CL+OR+cat:cs.NE+OR+cat:stat.ML"
# max number of results to disply
# path to download pdf
PDF_DOWNLOAD = f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/pdfs"
# background color for wordcloud
BACKGROUND = "#101010"
# min font size for the text cloud
# margin to fit the background into screen

Since I am personally using this utility, I will try to keep it updated. Incase of feature requests and bugs, feel free to open a new issue.