
Encodes and decodes between several types of audio files.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Encodes and decodes between several types of audio files.


  • wav2flac (lossless => lossless)
    Encodes WAV files into the FLAC format with the maximum compression level.
  • wav2mp3 (lossless => lossy)
    Encodes WAV files into the MP3 format with the maximum compression level.
  • flac2wav (lossless => lossless)
    Decodes FLAC files into the WAV format.
  • flac2mp3 (lossless => lossy)
    Encodes FLAC files into the MP3 format with the maximum compression level.


The wav2flac and wav2mp3 programs perform an encoding operation and have the same set of options:

usage: PROGRAM [-h] [-v] [-p] [-t] [-c IMG] -f FILES [FILES ...] -d DEST

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -p, --playlist        create playlist file
  -t, --tags            add ID3 tags
  -c IMG, --cover IMG   add album art

  -f FILES [FILES ...], --files FILES [FILES ...]
                        input files to convert
  -d DEST, --dest DEST  output directory for the generated files

The flac2wav and flac2mp3 programs perform a decoding operation (the latter starts with decoding and then encodes, of course) and have the same set of options, which is slightly different from the previous two programs due to not having to provide an album art file:

usage: PROGRAM [-h] [-v] [-p] [-t] [-c] -f FILES [FILES ...] -d DEST

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -p, --playlist        create playlist file
  -t, --tags            extract ID3 tags
  -c, --cover           extract album art

  -f FILES [FILES ...], --files FILES [FILES ...]
                        input files to convert
  -d DEST, --dest DEST  output directory for the generated files

The current syntax for the programs requires that the location of both input and output files be defined explicitly.


A specific WAV file is selected and the resulting FLAC file will be stored in the given folder.

$ wav2flac -f lovely_song.wav -d ~/new_songs/

A specific FLAC file is selected and the resulting WAV file will be stored in the given folder, along with the extracted cover art and ID3 tags file.

$ flac2wav -f lovely_song.flac -d ~/new_songs/ -c -t


See CHANGELOG for details.


All development and testing activities are carried out on Ubuntu 18.10 using Python 3.6.7. The following packages are required:

  • lame
  • flac
  • metaflac

Code metrics

github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.80  T=0.50 s (40.0 files/s, 1932.0 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Python                          18            165            343            290
Markdown                         2             44              0            124
SUM:                            20            209            343            414


Copyright © 2012-2019 Eduardo Ferreira

The code in this repository is MIT licensed, and therefore free to use as you please for commercial or non-commercial purposes (see LICENSE for details).