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DiamanteDesk API Bundle

API bundle provides extended authentication required for DiamanteDesk API and a way to expose services and their methods as RESTful API.


DiamanteDesk supports OroCRM version 1.8+.


Add additional configuration to app/etc/security.yml:

  • to section providers:
            id:                             diamante.api.user.security.provider
  • to section firewalls:
            pattern:                        ^/api/diamante/(rest|soap).*
            provider:                       diamante_api_user
            stateless:                      true
            wsse_diamante_api:              true


For example, you have a service defined in configuration with "entities.service.id" id. To expose it as RESTful API:

  • it should implement the following interface \Diamante\ApiBundle\Routing\RestServiceInterface
  • the following methods should be public and annotated with \Diamante\ApiBundle\Annotation\ApiDoc:
     * @ApiDoc(
     *  description="Returns all entities",
     *  uri="/entities.{_format}",
     *  method="GET",
     *  resource=true,
     *  statusCodes={
     *      200="Returned when successful",
     *      403="Returned when the user is not authorized to list entities"
     *  }
     * )
     * @return Entities[]
  • specify service in routing configuration:
        resource:     entities.service.id
        type:         diamante_rest_service
        prefix:       /api/rest/{version}/example
            version:  latest|v1
            _format:  xml|json
            version:  latest
        _format:  json

After all the steps are completed, your service shall be available at:

GET http://host/api/rest/latest/example/entities


We appreciate any effort to make DiamanteDesk functionality better; therefore, we welcome all kinds of contributions in the form of bug reporting, patches submitting, feature requests or documentation enhancement. Please refer to the DiamanteDesk guidelines for contributing if you wish to be a part of the project.