- 6
Notification url update Issue
#68 opened by vijayNava - 6
In some weird cases there are multiple notifications received for the same captured payment
#61 opened by erwinschaap - 11
- 4
Coupon cancel recovery fix
#66 opened by BartHuisHorizon - 1
- 4
- 3
wrong shipping cost when zero tax
#62 opened by vshatylo - 2
Error while compilation magento 2 update
#63 opened by godrigon - 2
Apple pay payment not visible
#60 opened by Naberdz - 7
Duplicate item id error on post payment methods
#59 opened by Medeka - 3
Refund error RefundResponseHandler::handle
#58 opened by davekleijn - 3
Order doesn't change status
#57 opened by vacla - 6
- 3
Latest versions are no longer compatible with Magento 2.3.x (SecureHtmlRenderer)
#55 opened by hostep - 3
- 4
- 2
- 3
- 3
- 3
- 8
- 4
- 4
Translation not working for error messages
#44 opened by mlaurense - 4
- 3
Magento 2.4.5 : composer require issue : magento/module-inventory-sales-api not found
#46 opened by emetik - 5
- 1
Multisafepay not enabled but still visible
#43 opened by SolsWebdesign - 4
Critical error on Address::addCity()
#42 opened by GuidoHub - 5
- 4
- 5
Sometimes error: IssuerListing::getIssuers(): Return value must be of type array, null returned
#41 opened by JoostWan - 2
Cannot create online refunds
#39 opened by atty31 - 3
Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to MultiSafepay\\ConnectCore\\Logger\\Logger::logPaymentLinkError() must be of the type string, null given
#35 opened by hostep - 8
- 11
Magento 2.4.4 support
#31 opened by JonathanBBD - 6
Order stays on pending payment
#25 opened by jdereus87 - 1
All Amounts stay open, Total Due is never Zero.
#32 opened by onepack - 5
Wrong price is calculated
#30 opened by FryingDutch - 4
- 2
- 2
Allow setting a separate order status for partially refunded orders, just like in Magento 1
#27 opened by hd-jeroen - 2
multisafepay/magento2-core breaks swagger
#29 opened by dimasalamatov - 2
Add fetch transaction info button back
#17 opened by thlassche - 1
Frontend fetches API tokens for CC component, while payment type is configured as redirect
#22 opened by thlassche - 3
Change available methods on payment page
#23 opened by shopforcovers - 2
Notice: Undefined index: edencom_categories in vendor/multisafepay/magento2-core/Model/Ui/Giftcard/EdenredGiftcardConfigProvider.php on line 88
#24 opened by mdevrees - 1
- 1
- 3
Order status cancelled due to tax rounding
#21 opened by 6Ways - 3
Payment status stays Pending Payment
#16 opened by onepack