Python 2.7+ and 3.x bindings for the Hydra C++ library The bindings are produced with pybind11. The project makes use of CMAKE.
You can find the Hydra.Python GSoC2017-release here.
Comprehensive documentation is can be found under the docs/
folder. The docs/
also contains the GSoC 2017 project report.
The manual of the project is generated using Sphinx and is hosted in ReadTheDocs. Find below the links for the different versions available for the manual:
Other versions, generated from different branches can be found on the here.
Doxygen reference documentation is underway.
Work-in-progress instructions:
- when cmake'ing pybind11, make sure to specify the correct major Python version. For example
cmake -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/python
to make sure Python 2 is picked up. (Or provide the path to python3) - clone the git repository:
git clone
- go to the Hydra.Python directory just retrieved:
cd Hydra.Python
- create a build directory:
mkdir build
- go to build directory:
cd build
cmake -DHYDRA_INSTALL_PATH=/path2sw/Hydra/ -DTHRUST_INSTALL_PATH=/path2sw/Hydra/ -DPYBIND11_INSTALL_PATH=/path2sw/pybind11/include/ ..
These instructions create a library .so to be imported from Python.
Antonio Augusto Alves Jr , Deepanshu Tharkur and Eduardo Rodrigues