
A hands-on containerized n8n.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


An integration tool using n8n.



n8n basic authentication

Authentication is required to operate the n8n editor. By default, it is user: user, password: password. This can be changed in n8n_config.json.

Before building

Fork the repos

This integrator is spread across two repositories. You should fork them.

Let's suppose you forked them to https://github.com/USERNAME.

Clone the repos

In a terminal, execute the following:

mkdir integrator && cd integrator
git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/integrator-n8n.git integrator-n8n
git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/integrator-n8n-backups.git integrator-n8n-backups

And think about editing the Dockerfile's GIT_BACKUP_REPO to put your own.

cd integrator-n8n
sed -i 's,git@github.com:Mulugruntz/integrator-n8n-backups.git,git@github.com:USERNAME/integrator-n8n-backups.git,g' Dockerfile

Create Deploy keys for the backups

First time

In a terminal, generate new SSH keys:

cd integrator-n8n

Copy the public key.

Go to https://github.com/USERNAME/integrator-n8n-backups/settings/keys/new and paste the public key there. Give it the title you want, such as n8n automatic backup. If you want to write new backups, you should Allow write access.

If the keys are already generated

Give your collaborators the content of decrypt_key.secret. This way, when they'll build their own image and deploy their own container, they will reuse the common SSH keys, allowing their n8n instance to read/write your backup repository.

Change the backup Git User

In the file integrator-n8n-backups/workflows/1.json, change the values of GIT_USER_EMAIL and GIT_USER_NAME to match the ones of the account with the Deploy keys.

In a terminal (Change "newuser@name.com" and "Account name"!!!):

cd integrator-n8n-backups/workflows
echo "$(jq '(.nodes[].parameters.values.string[]? | select(.name == "GIT_USER_EMAIL") | .value) = "newuser@name.com"' 1.json)" > 1.json
echo "$(jq '(.nodes[].parameters.values.string[]? | select(.name == "GIT_USER_NAME") | .value) = "Account name"' 1.json)" > 1.json

Also think about changing the README.md to target your fork instead (Change USERNAME and @Bot Name!!!):

cd integrator-n8n-backups
sed -i 's,https://github.com/Mulugruntz/integrator-n8n,https://github.com/USERNAME/integrator-n8n,g' README.md 
sed -i 's,https://github.com/Mulugruntz,https://github.com/USERNAME,g' README.md 
sed -i 's/@Mulugruntz/@Bot Name/g' README.md

How to build and run

Run the following commands:

  1. Initialize the decrypt key.

    echo '<decrypt_key>' > decrypt_key.secret
    git update-index --skip-worktree decrypt_key.secret
  2. Build and run.

    docker-compose up --force

What is the Decrypt key?

Our automation bot (<bot_name>) has access to our GitHub repository.

He has SSH keys and the public key is accepted by GitHub. In order to have it work, it needs the private key. For security reason, the private key was encrypted.

Build a new SSH key and encrypt it

  1. Make sure you have OpenSSL >= 1.1.1 (necessary for -iter).

    $> openssl version
    OpenSSL 1.1.1l  24 Aug 2021 (Library: OpenSSL 1.1.1i  8 Dec 2020)
  2. Create and Encrypt the key.

    mkdir ssh
    ssh-keygen -f ssh/id_rsa -N ''
    tar cz ssh | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -iter 10000 -pass 'pass:<decrypt_key>' -e > ssh.tar.gz.enc

Decrypt the key

mkdir -p output_dir
openssl enc -iter 10000 -pass 'pass:<decrypt_key>' -aes-256-cbc -d -in ssh.tar.gz.enc | tar xz -C output_dir