NumerikGames Laravel app


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run cd /to/your/path.
  3. Run composer install.
  4. Run npm install.
  5. Create a .env file and use the .env.example to create it
  6. Use php artisan key:generate
  7. Launch your app


Documentation Technique


We hesitate to use a simple .sql file or the migration offer by Laravel, but when the client say we are not sure about the database and we certainly need to update him later, at this moment we choose the migration for more scalability.

For install the database, you need to create your database (with the name in your .env file).

  1. Run composer dump-autoload.
  2. Run php artisan migrate:refresh --seed.
    1. Only if the last command make an error.
    2. Run php artisan migrate.
    3. Run php artisan db:seed.



  • Jerome Chevillat
  • Marc Atallah


Current version : 0.7.2