
To handle form validation in a React application using zod, follow these steps:

  1. Define a zod schema for your form data, specifying the expected shape and types of the fields.

  2. Set an initial state for the form fields that matches the structure of the zod schema.

  3. Use the useZodFormValidation hook from the zod-react-form package to handle form validation. Pass in the FormSchema and initialFormState values, and the hook will manage the form state, validation errors, and other form-related functionality.

  4. In your form components, use the values and setFieldValue props provided by the hook to manage the state of your form fields. Make sure to use the correct value prop when rendering form fields, such as values.name instead of a component-specific state variable.

import { useZodFormValidation } from "zod-react-form"

const FormSchema = z.object({
  name: z.string().min(1),
  email: z.string().email(),

const initialFormState = {
  name: "",
  email: "",

// Infer the types from the schema:
type FormSchemaType = z.infer<typeof FormSchema>

// Pass the interface, schema and initial form the the hook.
const { values, errors, setFieldValue, onBlur, touched, reset } =
  useZodFormValidation <FormSchemaType> (FormSchema, initialFormState)

// TextField example
  onChange={(e) => setFieldValue("name", e.target.value)}
  onBlur={() => onBlur("name")}
  helperText={(touched.name && errors.name) || " "}
  error={Boolean(touched.name && errors.name)}

API Description

values: an object containing the current form values.

errors: an object containing any validation errors that have occurred in the form.

setFieldValue: a function that takes a key and value as inputs, and updates the form data with the new value.

onBlur: a function that takes a key as input and sets the corresponding field as "touched".

touched: an object containing a boolean value for each field, indicating whether it has been "touched" or not.

reset: a function that resets the form to its initial state.

isDisabled: a function that takes an optional validator function as input, and returns a boolean indicating whether the form should be disabled or not. The validator function can be used to check additional conditions before disabling the form.