Nodejs OTP Authentication (Twilio and Typescript)


Environment vars

This project uses the following environment variables:

Name Description Default Value
MONGO_URI MongoDB Connection URI "*"  
ACCOUNT_SID Twilio Account SID "*"  
AUTH_TOKEN Twilio Auth Token "*"  
TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER Twilio Trial Number "*"  
TWILIO_SERVICE_SID Twilio Message Service SID "*"  
JWT_SECRET JWT Authentication secret "*"  

Getting started

  • Clone the repository
git clone
  • Install dependencies
cd <project_name>
yarn install
  • Executes Typescript commands on every successful compilation
yarn watch
  • Build and run the project
yarn dev

Navigate to http://localhost:4000

TypeScript + Node

The main Objective of this repositary is to showcase the Nodejs express Authentication API with Twilio for otp verification

Getting TypeScript

Add Typescript to project yarn.

yarn add -D typescript

Project Structure

The folder structure of this app is explained below:

Name Description
dist Contains the distributable (or output) from your TypeScript build.
node_modules Contains all npm dependencies
src Contains source code that will be compiled to the dist dir
src/server Contains source code for the server and database connections and initialization
src/app Contains all other functions of the API
src/app/controllers Controllers define functions to serve various express routes.
src/app/middlewares Express middlewares which process the incoming requests before handling them down to the routes
src/app/routes Contain all express routes, separated by module/area of application
src/app/models Models define schemas that will be used in storing and retrieving data from Application database
src/app/interfaces Contains all the interfaces required for all of the endpoints
src/index.ts Entry point to express app
package.json Contains npm dependencies as well as build scripts
tsconfig.json Config settings for compiling source code only written in TypeScript

Building the project

Configuring TypeScript compilation

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "outDir": "dist",
    "sourceMap": true

  "include": ["src/**/*.ts"],
  "exclude": ["src/**/*.spec.ts", "test", "node_modules"]

Running the build

All the different build steps are orchestrated via npm scripts. Npm scripts basically allow us to call (and chain) terminal commands via npm.

Npm Script Description
start Runs full build and runs node on dist/index.js. Can be invoked with yarn start
dev Runs full build before starting all watch tasks. Can be invoked with yarn dev
watch Executes COMMAND on every successful compilation. yarn watch

Using the debugger in VS Code

Node.js debugging in VS Code is easy to setup and even easier to use. Press F5 in VS Code, it looks for a top level .vscode folder with a launch.json file.