------------------------------------------------- BEGINNER PYTHON -------------------------------------------------
- Variables in Python
- String Manipulation
- Input and Print Functions
- Variable Naming Rules
- Mathematical Operations in Python
- DataTypes
- Converting types
- Conditionals IF/ELIF/ELSE
- Logical Operators
- Randomisation
- Error Handling
- Functions
- For Loops
- Code blocks and Indentation
- While Loops
- Flowchart Programming
- Positional and Keyword Arguments
- Python Dictionaries and Lists
- Nested Collections
- Returning Functions
- Return vs. Print
- Doc Strings vs. Comments
- Scope and Local/Global Variables
- Debugging Techniques
------------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIATE PYTHON ------------------------------------------------
- Local Development Environment Setup
- PyCharm Tips and Tricks
- Python Object Oriented Programming
- Creating Classes in Python
- Using External Python Modules/Import
- Getting / Setting Attributes
- Python Methods
- Class Initialisers
- Module Aliasing
- Optional, Required and Default Parameters
- Event Listenters
- Python Instances and State
- Python Turtle
- Game Development with Python and OOP
- Python Inheritance
- Python Slice Function
- File I/O Reading and Writing to Local Files
- File Directories
- Reading and Writing to CSV
- Introduction to the Pandas Framework
- List Comprehensions
- Dictionary ComprehensionsSYLLABUS
- Packing and Unpacking Functions in Python
- Creating Desktop GUI Apps with Tkinter
- Strongly Dynamic Typing
- Error Handling and Exceptions
- Try / Except/ Raise
- Working with JSONs
- Local Persistence
- Sending Email with Python and SMTP
- Working with date and time
- Hosting Python Code Online with PythonAnywhere
------------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIATE + -------------------------------------------------
- APIs
- Making HTTP Requests with the Requests module
- Sending Parameters with the Request
- APIs with Authentication
- Sending SMS with Python
- Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup
- Browser Automation with Selenium Web Driver
- Automating Tinder
- Automating Twitter
- Automating LinkedIn
- Automating Instagram
- Web Development with Flask
- Command Line
- Python Decorators
- Templating with Jinja 2
- WTForms
------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED PYTHON -------------------------------------------------
- Build Your Own REST API with Python
- Build Your Own Blog
- Databases with SQLite
- Dataframe Inspection
- Data Cleaning
- Sorting Values in Dataframes
- Arithmatic Operations with Pandas
- Creating Pivot Tables
- Chaining Functions
- Smoothing Time Series Data
- Creating Line Charts with Matplotlib
- Using Jupyter Notebook
- HTML Markdown
- Creating Scatterplots with Matplotlib
- Relational Database Schemas
- Descriptive Statistics
- Creating Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Donut Charts, Box Plots with
- Plotly
- Creating NumPy NDArraysSYLLABUS
- Array Slicing and Subsetting
- Matrix Multiplication
- Bitwise and Operators in Pandas
- Creating Bubble Charts with Seaborn
- Running Regressions with Scikit-Learn
- Non-Parametric Regression
- Students T-Tests and Histograms with Scikit-Learn
- Multi-Variable Regression
- Log Transformations
- Residuals Analysis