
Script to get OAuth2 Access Token for Gmail.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Gmail OAuth2 Script

Script to get OAuth2 Access Token for Gmail.

It can be used with cli tools that interacts with Gmail via IMAP or SMTP. For example:


Just copy the script you want on your machine and give it executable permission:

curl --progress-bar https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MunifTanjim/gmail-oauth2-script/main/gmail-oauth2_none_none.sh -o ~/.local/bin/gmail-oauth2.sh
chmod u+x ~/.local/bin/gmail-oauth2.sh

If you need one, create an OAuth client. It is recommented to use "Desktop app" as OAuth client type.


There are several variants of the script using different tools for cache, storage or secret management.


Minimal script with no extra features for caching or secret management. It requires hardcoding sensitive information to the script.


  • bash
  • jq


Get Refresh Token:

gmail-oauth2.sh refresh_token --client-id CLIENT_ID --client-secret CLIENT_SECRET

Get Access Token:

gmail-oauth2.sh access_token --client-id CLIENT_ID --client-secret CLIENT_SECRET --refresh-token REFRESH_TOKEN


Uses Bitwarden during initial setup and GNOME Keyring for the rest.

Store your OAuth2 Client's credentials in a Bitwarden item with the following custom fields:

  • client_id - OAuth2 Client ID
  • client_secret - OAuth2 Client Secret



gmail-oauth2.sh <COMMAND> [ACCOUNT_ID]

  authorize      Perform the initial authorization steps
  access_token   Prints Access Token

  --account-id   Alias for the Gmail Account         (e.g.: "personal" or "me@example.com")
  --store-id     Description for GNOME Keyring Items (default: "Gmail-OAuth2-Script")
  --secret-id    Search Term for Bitwarden Item      (default: "client.oauth2.com.google.mail")

Initial Authorization:

Reads the client_id and client_secret from Bitwarden, stores them in GNOME Keyring. Obtains a refresh_token after successful authorization and stores it in GNOME Keyring.

gmail-oauth2.sh authorize me@example.com
# or
gmail-oauth2.sh authorize --account-id me@example.com

Get Access Token:

Checks GNOME Keyring for existing access_token, if it's not expired prints it. Otherwise, get an access_token using the client_id, client_secret, refresh_token from GNOME Keyring, stores it in GNOME Keyring and prints it.

gmail-oauth2.sh access_token --account-id me@example.com


Licensed under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE file for details.