
Scripts to build and use docker images

Primary LanguageShell

'daily' workflow Status 'ext' workflow Status 'ghdl' workflow Status 'cache' workflow Status 'base' workflow Status

This repository contains scripts and YAML workflows for GitHub Actions (GHA) to build and to deploy the docker images that are used and/or published by the GHDL GitHub organization. All of them are pushed to hub.docker.com/u/ghdl.

Images for development (i.e., building and/or testing ghdl):

  • ghdl/build Docker pulls images include development depedendencies for ghdl.
  • ghdl/run Docker pulls images include runtime dependencies for ghdl.
  • ghdl/pkg Docker pulls images include ghdl tarballs built in ghdl/build images.
  • ghdl/cache Docker pulls external dependencies which we want to keep almost in the edge, but are not part of ghdl.

Ready-to-use images:

  • ghdl/ghdl Docker pulls images, which are based on correponding ghdl/run images, include ghdl along with minimum runtime dependencies.
  • ghdl/vunit Docker pulls images, which are based on ghdl/ghdl:buster-* images, include ghdl along with VUnit.
    • *-master variants include latest VUnit (master branch), while others include the latest stable release (installed through pip).
  • ghdl/ext Docker pulls ready-to-use images with GHDL and complements (ghdl-language-server, GtkWave, VUnit, etc.).
  • ghdl/synth Docker pulls images allow to try experimental synthesis features of ghdl.

See USE_CASES.md if you are looking for usage examples from a user perspective.

GHA workflows

NOTE: currently, there is no triggering mechanism set up between ghdl/ghdl and ghdl/docker. All the workflows in this repo are triggered by CRON jobs.

· base.yml (8 jobs -max 4-, 40 images) [twice a month]

Build and push all the ghdl/build:* and ghdl/run:* docker images. :

  • A pair of images is created in one job for each of [ ls-debian, ls-ubuntu ].
  • One job is created for each of [ fedora (29 | 30), debian (buster | sid), ubuntu (16 | 18)], and six images are created in each job; two (ghdl/build:*, ghdl/run:*) for each supported backend [ mcode, llvm*, gcc ].

· cache.yml (5 jobs -max 5-, 7 images) [weekly]

Build and push all the images to ghdl/cache:* and some to ghdl/synth:*. Each of the following images includes a tool on top of a debian:buster-slim image:


  • ghdl/cache:yosys-gnat: includes libgnat-8 on top of ghdl/synth:yosys.
  • ghdl/cache:gtkwave: contains a tarball with GtkWave (gtkwave3-gtk3) prebuilt for images based on Debian Buster.
  • ghdl/cache:formal: contains a tarball with YosysHQ/SymbiYosys (master) and Z3Prover/z3 (master) prebuilt for images based on Debian Buster.
  • ghdl/synth:symbiyosys: includes the tarball from ghdl/cache:formal and Python3 on top of ghdl/synth:yosys.

· ghdl.yml (15 jobs -max 3-, 30 images) [weekly]

Build and push almost all the ghdl/ghdl:* and ghdl/pkg:* images. A pair of images is created in one job for each combination of:

  • [ fedora: [29, 30], debian: [sid], ubuntu: [16, 18] ] and [ mcode, llvm*].
  • [ fedora: [29, 30], debian: [buster, sid] ] and [ gcc* ].
  • For Debian only, [buster, sid] and [mcode] and [--gpl].

The procedure in each job is as follows:

  • Repo ghdl/ghdl is cloned.
  • ghdl is built in the corresponding ghdl/build:* image.
  • A ghdl/ghdl:* image is created based on the corresponding ghdl/run:* image.
  • The testsuite is executed inside the ghdl/ghdl:* image created in the previous step.
  • If successful, a ghdl/pkg:* image is created with the tarball built in the first step.
  • ghdl/ghdl:* and ghdl/pkg:* images are pushed to hub.docker.com/u/ghdl.

· daily.yml (3 jobs -max 3-, 6 images) [daily]

Complement of ghdl.yml, to be run daily. One job is scheduled for each combination of [ buster ] and [ mcode, llvm-7 , gcc-8.3.0 ].

· ext.yml (5 jobs -max 4-, 15 images) [twice a week]

Build and push all the ghdl/vunit:* and ghdl/ext:* images. Four jobs are scheduled:

  • ls: build and push ghdl/ext:ls-debian and ghdl/ext:ls-ubuntu (a job for each of them). These include ghdl/ghdl, the ghdl/ghdl-language-server backend and the vscode-client (precompiled but not preinstalled).
  • vunit: build and push all the ghdl/vunit:* images, which are based on the ones created in the daily workflow.
  • gui: build and push the following images:
    • ghdl/ext:gtkwave: includes GtkWave (gtk3) on top of ghdl/vunit:llvm-master.
    • ghdl/ext:broadway: adds a script to ghdl/ext:gtkwave in order to launch a Broadway server that allows to use GtkWave from a web browser.
    • ghdl/ext:ls-vunit: includes VUnit (master) on top of ghdl/ext:ls-debian.
    • ghdl/ext:latest: includes GtkWave on top of ghdl/ext:ls-vunit.
  • synth: build and push all the ghdl/synth:* images which are not created in workflow cache:
    • Repo tgingold/ghdlsynth-beta is cloned and it's build scripts are used to build two images:
      • ghdl/synth:latest: includes ghdl/ghdl with synthesis features enabled on top of a ghdl/run:buster-mcode image.
      • ghdl/synth:beta: includes ghdl from ghdl/synth:latest along with ghdlsynth-beta built as a module for YosysHQ/yosys, on top of ghdl/cache:yosys-gnat.
    • Then, image ghdl/synth:formal is built, which includes the tarball from ghdl/cache:formal and Python3 on top of ghdl/synth:beta.


Multiple artifacts (i.e. standalone tarballs) of GHDL are generated in these workflows. For example, each job in daily.yml generates a tarball that is then installed in a ghdl/ghdl:* image and published in a ghdl/pkg:* image. These resources might be useful for users/developers who:

  • Want to use a base image which is compatible but different from the ones we use. E.g., use python:3-slim-buster instead of debian:buster-slim.
  • Do not want to build and test GHDL every time.

Precisely, this is how images in VUnit/docker are built. See github.com/VUnit/docker/blob/master/run.sh.

However, it is discouraged to use these pre-built tarballs to install GHDL on host systems. Instead, ghdl/packaging contains sources for package manager systems, and it provides nightly builds of GHDL.