
NeoVim Kitty Navigator

Primary LanguagePython

NeoVim Kitty Navigator

The Motivation behind the PlugIn is to drop my TMux dependency and to move to Kitty. The PlugIn is inspired by nvim-tmux-navigation for the NeoVim part and vim-kitty-navigator for the Kitten section.


The plugIn provides the following default key mappings to move between NeoVim and Kitty Splits:

  • <ctrl-h> → Left
  • <ctrl-j> → Down
  • <ctrl-k> → Up
  • <ctrl-l> → Right

But it supports a simple interface for changing the default mappings, see custom bindings section below.



Just use you preferred package manager or installation method to add it to you config.

I'm using Lazy, which results into:


For Lazy Loading on Keybinding use:

    keys = {
        {"<C-h>", function()require("kitty-navigator").navigateLeft()end, desc = "Move left a Split", mode = {"n"}},
        {"<C-j>", function()require("kitty-navigator").navigateDown()end, desc = "Move down a Split", mode = {"n"}},
        {"<C-k>", function()require("kitty-navigator").navigateUp()end, desc = "Move up a Split", mode = {"n"}},
        {"<C-l>", function()require("kitty-navigator").navigateRight()end, desc = "Move right a Split", mode = {"n"}},


To install the kitten, there are two ways: One is to simply copy the two python files directly into ~/.config/kitty/

  • navigate_kitty.py
  • pass_keys.py Or you can add this step into your NeoVim Package Manager. This automaticlly updates the binaries, when there is a package update.

This is the corresponding Lazy Config:

    build = {
        "cp navigate_kitty.py ~/.config/kitty",
        "cp pass_keys.py ~/.config/kitty",

Finally, you need to add the bindings into your kitty config (~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf). This is in both cases nessesary.

map ctrl+j kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window bottom ctrl+j
map ctrl+k kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window top    ctrl+k
map ctrl+h kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window left   ctrl+h
map ctrl+l kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window right  ctrl+l

And allow remote access, otherwise NeoVim can't call back to Kitty.

allow_remote_control yes

# For Linux:
listen_on unix:@mykitty

# Other unix systems:
listen_on unix:/tmp/mykitty

Custom Bindings

Custom Bindings can be passed as an option in NeoVim:

    opts = {
        keybindings = {
            left = "<C-h>",
            down = "<C-n>",
            up = "<C-e>",
            right = "<C-l>",

Finally, you need to add the bindings into your kitty config (~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf).

map ctrl+h kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window bottom ctrl+h
map ctrl+n kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window top    ctrl+n
map ctrl+e kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window left   ctrl+e
map ctrl+l kitten pass_keys.py neighboring_window right  ctrl+l