
This project involves rebuilding some methods from the Ruby Enumerable Module.

Primary LanguageRuby

Enumerable Methods

This project involves rebuilding some methods from the Ruby Enumerable Module.


Methods Rebuilt

  • .each
  • .each_with_index
  • .select
  • .all?
  • .any?
  • .none?
  • .count
  • .map
  • .inject

Built With

  • Ruby

Getting Started

  • Ensure you have Ruby installed on your computer.
  • git clone https://github.com/Mupa1/Enumerable-Methods.git to your local computer.
  • git checkout enumerable-methods
  • cd into the folder and open enumerable.rb


Use my enumerable methods like ruby's enumerable methods:

  • my_each == each
  • my_each_with_index == each_with_index
  • my_select == select
  • my_count == count
  • my_all == all
  • my_any == any
  • my_none == none
  • my_map == map
  • my_inject == inject

Automated Test

No automated test implemented yet for this project.


🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.