
Building a form in rails

Primary LanguageRuby


This is part of the Forms Project in The Odin Project’s Ruby on Rails Curriculum. Find it at http://www.theodinproject.com

Built With

  • Ruby
  • Rails Framework

Getting Started

  • Clone the repo to your local machine, and ensure you have Ruby & Rails installed
  • Ruby version ruby '2.6.5'

  • Rails version rails 6.0.3

  • Configuration

Start by:

  • Ensure you have both Ruby and Rails Installed.
  • Fork/Clone the project to your local machine
  • cd into the project directory
  • bundle install
  • run rails db:migrate

Commands to run


👤 Mupa M'mbetsa Nzaphila

👤 Taiwo Coker

🤝 Contributing

Start by:

  • Fork/Clone the project to your local machine
  • cd into the project directory
  • Run git checkout -b your-branch-name
  • Make your contribution
  • Push your branch up to your forked repository
  • Open a Pull Request with a detailed description to the development branch of the original project for a review

Feel free to also check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!!


  • Microverse
  • The Odin Project