
This project is an RPG shooter game built with Phaser 3, a JavaScript game framework designed to create 2D games.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Shooter Game

This project is an RPG shooter game built with Phaser 3, a JavaScript game framework designed to create 2D games.

Built With

  • JavaScript
  • Phaser 3
  • Webpack
  • Leaderboard API service
  • Jest

How to play

  • Drive the shooter jet with your keyboard arrows.

    • ⬅️ - Press the left arrow key to move left.
    • ➡️ - Press the right arrow key to move right.
    • ⬆️ - Press the up arrow key move up.
    • ⬇️ - Press the down arrow key to move down.
  • Use the spacebar to shoot the desert enemy beasts to gain points.

  • Avoid getting shot or colliding with the enemy.

Game Design

Player Shooter Jet


Player Shooter Jet Laser


Dragon Beast Enemy


Dragon Beast Laser


Game Screen


Loading Screen


Menu Screen


Instuctions Screen


Credits Screen


Leaderboard Screen


GameOver Screen


Live Demo

Live demo link

Walkthrough Video

Walkthrough link

Getting Started

To get a copy up and running follow these simple example steps:-

  • Clone https://github.com/Mupa1/rpg-shooter-game to your local machine.
  • Run npm install to install dependancies.
  • cd into the rpg-shooter-game directory and run npm run start to open the game in the browser.

To make changes open rpg-shooter-game directory in you favorite editor.

  • Navigate to src folder to make any changes.
  • To preview changes live, run npm start from your terminal to open the game in the browser.
  • When you finish your changes, run npm run build to create the production files to the dist folder.

Automated Test

npm run test

Potential future features

  • Add Enemies.
  • Extend gameplay functionality.


👤 Mupa M'mbetsa Nzaphila

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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