A Flask Starter Application with Login and Registration


A starter kit for a flask application with Authentication using the factory pattern and Blueprints.

Only sqlite is supported. To use other databases, install the required drivers and update the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI environment variable with the corresponding details. Learn more from the Flask SQLAlchemy Documentation

I created this to help users to follow some technical articles I've written on:

  1. Dev.to
  2. Medium


  1. Clone or download the repository

    git clone git@github.com:Mupati/agora-flask-starter.git
  2. Create your .flaskenv file and update your variables

    cd agora-flask-starter
    cp .flaskenv.example .flaskenv
  3. Install project dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Initialize db and apply migrations

    flask db init
    flask db migrate -m "Create users table"
    flask db upgrade
  5. Start application on development server

    flask run