Tento projekt vznikl jako ročníkový projekt a po sléze přešel do bakalářské práce na Matematicko-fyzikální fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. Navštivte dokumentaci ročníkového projektu
IOT Dash is an application used for managing IoT devices and displaying data collected from them.
This repository contains only the backend part. Frontend application is located in the repository iot-dash-app.
For detailed information, check out:
- Programmer's manual - how to build + architecture of the project with class reference
- REST API documentation
To run, download the latest release, locate a run
script in the root of the archive and execute it.
The app is meant to run with the backend and broker visible to all the devices. To run it, you will need a running instance of MySQL server and a MQTT broker.
You need to setup a MySQL user and provide credentials in configuration.
This is a default configuration file with commentary
"Kestrel": {
"Endpoints": {
"Http": {
// This is the url endpoint the server will listen on
"Url": "http://*:8080"
"ConnectionStrings": {
// The MySQL connection string with connection info and credentials
"DefaultConnection": "server=localhost;port=3306;database=iot-dash-test;uid=iot-dash;password=iot-dash"
"Auth": {
// The credentials used to authenticate the webapp user
"Username": "admin",
"Password": "Admin+1"
"Jwt": {
// The JWT secret that is used to verify and sign all issued JWT tokens
"Secret": "my-secret",
// Time after which will JWT expire (format: days.hh:mm:ss)
"TokenLifetime": "00:14:30",
// Time after which a refresh token validity will expire
"RefreshTokenLifetime": "180.00:00:00",
// Algorithm used for token signing
"Algorithm": "HS256"
"Mqtt": {
"Broker": {
// Host name of the MQTT broker
"Host": "localhost",
// Port on which the MQTT broker is listening
"Port": 1883,
// If the program fails to reconnect to broker this many times in a row
// it will terminate with an error. Use 0 for unlimited attempts.
"MaxReconnectionAttempts": 3
// Uncomment this to use secured MQTT connection
//"Credentials": {
// "UserName": "my-username",
// "Password": "my-password",
// Configuration for Microsoft logging
"Logging": {
// Log levels for different namespaces. Key is a namespace,
// value is logging level. All messages from and above given
// level will be logged.
// Valid levels are: 'Trace', 'Debug', 'Information',
// 'Warning', 'Error', 'Critical'
// (in ascending order)
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Warning",
"IotDash.*": "Information",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information",
"Microsoft.*": "Warning"