
This documentation here can be edited inside of intellij via the writerside plugin and is used on the marketplace listing

Primary LanguageShell

Pieces for Developers Jetbrains Plugin - Writerside Documentation

Built with:

How to get started with this repo:

  1. Make sure that you have Intellij Installed (community or ultimate works just fine)
  2. Download the Writerside Plugin and install it from the link above
  3. Clone the repo here onto your local machine
  4. Follow along with the documentation on the writerside plugin, and you'll see the steps needed to create an instance and start to create topics.

Some Additional Info:

  1. To actually view the pages that you are creating from their Markdown format - you have two options:
  1. You can View it from inside of your Intellij Editor
    1. Once you have a few pages and items created, you can open the Writerside Plugin, right-click on the topic that you would like to view and select "Preview Topic"
    2. NOTE This is the best option as it will update live as you update it and react to changes
  2. You also can launch this by running a http-server locally
    1. Download and install http-server (recommending that this id done with NPM but can also be done via .zip file) from this link
    2. *you also can just run npm install --global http-server to have access to this local server configuration globally or using brew brew install http-server
    3. Once you have this installed you can run that server with the http-server command at the projects file location on your computer
    4. There are specific instructions for this configuration here
  1. Images are stored in the /images folder, and this supports .gifs
  2. If you generate the .zip file be sure to omit it from your github commits and pushes due to file size restraints.
