A simple implementation of the MapReduce in golang
├── README.md
└── src # Source directory containing all the Go source files and modules
├── go.mod # Go module file defining the module's path and its dependencies
├── main # Directory for the main entry point of the mapreduce program
│ ├── input # Directory containing input text files, each representing a split for mapreduce
│ │ ├── pg-being_ernest.txt
│ │ ├── pg-dorian_gray.txt
│ │ ├── pg-frankenstein.txt
│ │ ├── pg-grimm.txt
│ │ ├── pg-huckleberry_finn.txt
│ │ ├── pg-metamorphosis.txt
│ │ ├── pg-sherlock_holmes.txt
│ │ └── pg-tom_sawyer.txt
│ ├── mrcoordinator.go # Go source file for the MapReduce coordinator, which manages tasks and workers
│ ├── mrsequential.go # Go source file for running the MapReduce tasks sequentially for debugging or testing
│ ├── mrworker.go # Go source file for the MapReduce worker, which executes tasks assigned by the coordinator
│ ├── run.sh # Shell script for running the MapReduce program for debugging purposes
│ └── test-mr.sh # Shell script for testing the MapReduce implementation
├── mr # Directory containing the core implementation of MapReduce
│ ├── coordinator.go # Go source file for the coordinator logic, handling task scheduling and worker communication
│ ├── rpc.go # Go source file for setting up remote procedure calls (RPC) between the coordinator and workers
│ └── worker.go # Go source file for the worker logic, handling the execution of map and reduce tasks
└── mrapps # Directory containing various MapReduce application implementations
├── crash.go
├── early_exit.go
├── indexer.go
├── jobcount.go
├── mtiming.go
├── nocrash.go
├── rtiming.go
├── wc.go
use wc.so existing in the mrapps directory as an example
- Start the Coordinator and tell it the input file path
cd src/main
- Open another terminal, start the Worker process
go run worker.go wc.so
- The immediate files(mr-[map_id]-[reduce_id]) and output files(mr-out-[reduce_id]) will be generated in the current directory
This project is strongly referenced by lab1 of the MIT 6.5840, Distributed Systems.