Project Description: The project aims to develop an online ticket vendor website for various events, such as concerts, movies, sports matches, etc. The website will aim to offer a streamlined user-friendly interface, allowing for event filtering, viewing event details, seat selection and detail changes, online payment and electronic tickets.
User Requirements: Browse through events. Search for and filter through specific events. View detailed information about each event. Select seats or sections based on availability. Make payments using multiple payment methods. Receive electronic tickets via email / download. Access their purchase history and manage their account settings.
Functional Requirements: Users should be able to register, login, and manage their profiles. Event throwers should be able to add and edit events in the system. Event throwers should be able to manage ticket inventory. Users should be able to add tickets to a shopping cart and view/edit the cart. Payment processing should be implemented using various payment methods. Ticket generation will be implemented, which can be downloaded or emailed.
Non-Functional Requirements: The website should be responsive and able to handle multiple users. The system should protect user data, and guarantee secure payment processing. The user interface should be easy to navigate, possibly implementing accessibility features.
Set up:
- Head to folder 'code/drocsid'.
- Run command
npm install
to install node_modules locally. - Run command
npm start
to run website locally for testing purposes.
For errors try:
npm update
npm audit fix --force
- If the error still persists, now copy paste the error to google or GPT :)