Every time a developer is implementing any Rest API the plumbing work is very repetitive and tedious and time consuming, this prototype will allow us to minimize the amount of work and time invested when we are consuming any Rest API.
###The problem It’s a very common task for almost any developer to implement Rest APIs, for each one of them we are following almost the same steps in order to complete the integration, those steps are too long, slow and monotonous .
###Solution To resolve this problem we are creating a tool to avoid the developers manually implement the steps needed to complete the solution. Our vision is to provide a Rest API Client Automated Generator that allow the developer to focus in what really matters.
###Goal for the prototype This prototype will cover the creation of the Rest Client based on the provided end point and parameters, the output will be a zip file with a .Net project with the solution.
In this first version any .Net Developer that needs to consume a Rest API