Clojure Test Assignment “Books recommendations”

Sample project only. Feel free to change/modify the code given.

Phase #1

Build books recommendation tool for Goodreads users following the next simple algorithm: for a given user find all books marked as “read” and choose top 10 by average rating from “similar” books excluding books that user is currently reading. Use “similarity” definition provided by Goodreads API (each book has assigned list of "similar books", check any book details to find out more).

Phase #2 (optional)

Suggest how to improve quality of your recommendations, i.e. using information on authors, topics, shelves, friends activity etc.



Run using lein:

    $ lein run <TOKEN> [<OPTIONS>]

Compile and run from JAR:

    $ lein uberjar
    $ java -jar target/uberjar/goodreads-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar <TOKEN> [<OPTIONS>]



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