
A simple implementation of material.io to document Angular apps and libraries

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is Metabook

Metabook is a simple implementation of Material.io

The project is still WIP


  1. Create a new markdown file in assets/docs, e.g. example-title.md
  2. Generate a component inside components-examples directory and export it inside examples components-examples.module, e.g. example-title-component
  3. Export it in index.ts in the same directory

To show the component and its code inside the markdown, use the following syntax:

The `<example-title>` component is bla bla bla.

#### Example

<!-- example(ExampleTitleComponent) -->

Add a demo example including its source code inside your markdown using the comment syntax

<!-- example(YourComponentClassName) -->

Note that inside the braces of the comment should contain the component class name.

  1. Run the task npm run compodoc:build to generate the documentation of the newly added component (this will generate a file assets/docs/documentation.json).

Whenever you update the examples components, you need to re-run npm run compodoc:build to update the source code in the documentation.

  1. Update the components list of your MetabookModule in AppModule
 * List of routes for each component page
const metabookRoutes: StoryRoute[] = [
    title: 'Example Title',
    path: 'example-title'
    title: 'Example Paragraph',
    path: 'example-paragraph'

  imports: [
      routes: metabookRoutes,
      components: [
export class AppModule {

You can override the documentation directory using the config of MetabookModule

  routes: metabookRoutes,
  markdownDirPath: 'assets/docs',
  documentationPath: 'assets/docs/documentation.json',
  components: [


Feel free to join the discussion and send PRs to the repo, I would love hear your input!